Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The answer is...yes.

Still pregnant. 39weeks1day. However, my nurse manager had a dream that baby girl was born on May 30th, so stay tuned. For those of you who know me, I am quite type A. So, not knowing when she will arrive is driving me nuts. Daily dog brushing, vacuuming, cleaning, etc could perhaps be avoided if I just knew what date to expect her. Official due date is June 5th. Will we have a May baby or June baby? Or will I go ten $&*(@! days past my due date? Only the big guy knows the answer to that.

What are we doing to pass the time?

This is what her daddy has been up to...just a little bathroom demolition.

And now, putting it back together. Baby girl will have the nicest bathroom in the house. We will see who wins the race...daddy or baby girl. :)
And big brother has been resting.

And momma...playing with her new camera!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Yes, I started a blog.

The past eight years go a little something like this...

We fall in love our last year of nursing school. We get engaged. We graduate. We start our first jobs. We buy a house. We get married. We welcome our first baby...a dog baby, Otis. Matt finishes graduate school. We buy our second home and move to the country. And what are the next two logical steps, my friends? Pregnancy and a blog, obviously.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet baby girl, due on June 5th. We will see when she decides to make her appearance. Perhaps on auntie Joy's birthday (June 4th) OR maybe even auntie Bri's birthday (May 16th). Sorry auntie Alicia, November 30th is out of the question. Maybe next time.

Regardless of her birthday, we are so excited to meet her! As is Otis. I think that's what he is telling me anyway when he is frantically sniffing around the nursery and putting every possible baby item into his mouth. Otis continues to live his life with his age (seven) being only a number. This could be interesting.